Monday, September 11, 2006

3.7s are really!

I cannot remember the last time I wore a grin so big thanks to an audio component. Rob, our service tech extrordinaire, just finished building our prototype pair of of CS3.7s for CEDIA. Several of us in the office pandered pretty hard to have them built in Bird's Eye Maple. As I understand it, we normally build protos in Amberwood because they always get beat up, drilled into, modified, or otherwise altered, and Amberwood is easy to touch up. Not so with Bird's Eye, but man it looks good! These are some fine lookin' speakers!

Sadly, one of our favorite amps bit the dust and is in service right now, but that wouldn't stop us from doing some preliminary listening before we ship them off to the show. This isn't the first time we've heard CS3.7s, but this is by far the first listening that has been so much fun. We already knew that they possessed the ability to play with unprecedented transparency throughout the midrange. I was unprepared for my inability to concentrate on any one area of the songs we heard. Frequency response is FLAT, transients are super fast, even the slightest dynamic shadings can be discerned, and they are imaging CHAMPIONS, even from well off axis as I was.

I know this entry reads like a hype-sheet, and to some degree it should, but I am extremely enamored with these new speakers. Jim says they'll only get better too! Once we replace the prototype top and baffle with cast aluminum, cabinet rigidity will be even better. Can they be even more clear?

I'll let you know how they sound at CEDIA in the next entry.