CS3.7 Dry Build
If I was a child, Kathy Gornik was my mother, and Jim Thiel was my father, getting permission to post this picture would have been like asking both parents and then going with the decision I wanted to hear. Dawn took the picture, Kathy said post it, Jim said "over my dead body". So there it is. I have probably just pitted them against each other, and Jim against me. Uhoh.
So, the building of prototypes commences! What you see is Jim, Tommy V, and Walter dry-building the first of 10 CS3.7 cabinets for CES with metal cabinet parts. This is monumental, y'all! It turns out that most everything fits pretty well. There are some minor tweaks to be made, but so far so good. We spent the day yesterday machining the back braces and bases. The idea is to have all of the cabinets ready for final assembly on Wednesday when we get back from Christmas holiday. I really like having so much surface area for the wood veneer. It's a great looking cabinet.
Since the last batch of prototype woofer surrounds weren't quite right, they needed to be slightly re-formed. In an exercise of making-due-with-what-you've-got, Jim used the toaster oven in our kitchenette. Without going into detail on how, let me just say that it reeks. There'll be no more making toast at work in THAT oven. Furthermore, when the timer goes off, Dawn and I, like Pavlov's dog, go running to let Jim know that it's done so it doesn't cool down before he gets to reform it.
Other that this chaos, the Christmas party was last night. That was a riot. There were no pictures taken. We must maintain our air of professionalism.
PS - Cheers to Rob, Kevin, Phil, Alvin, and Tommy for staying way late tonight to finish building these. Can you believe a crew that's so cool that they'll stay late on Friday before Christmas to build CS3.7 cabs? Man, these guys are the greatest.
Merry Christmas!
Learning new behaviors at the ding of a bell,